Food & Drink 

A Bakery Owner’s Best Advice For Freezing Your Wedding Cake

Though many bakeries offer anniversary cakes as part of their wedding packages or for a small fee, if you still want to partake in the tradition of freezing the top tier of your cake, Fancy Cakes by Lauren owner Lauren Kitchens details her time-tested method:

“Chill the cake overnight in the fridge. The next day, wrap the cake twice with Saran wrap, then twice with foil. Place your wrapped cake back in the cake box, label it, and place in the freezer.”

Remember to remove any fresh flowers and sugar adornments before freezing. And if freezer space is at a premium, Lauren says there’s no rule that you have to save the entire tier. “My personal preference is to freeze half of the top tier and enjoy the other half after the wedding,” she says. “You probably won’t get much to eat at your wedding anyway, so enjoy it when you can finally relax together.”