Food & Drink 

Wedding Cake 101 with Fancy Cakes by Lauren

We sat down with Lauren Kitchens, baker extraordinaire behind Dallas-based Fancy Cakes by Lauren.

What is involved in a cake tasting appointment?
A wedding cake tasting usually involves a full design session with the owner or manager of the bakery.  It is typical in high-end bakeries to offer a full cake tasting at the consultation.  The best bakeries will sketch a custom cake design for you—something that captures your vision for the cake.  And if you are struggling with the vision, the best bakers can successfully hold your hand through this process and create a show-stopping masterpiece just for you.

What are some of your favorite trends at the moment?
Ruffles are big in wedding cakes and can be done in several ways using different techniques.  Another trend is cake flavor.  The dry, white wedding cake is a thing of the past.  Wedding cakes must act not only as a centerpiece but as the dessert.  There is a lot of pressure on the wedding cake to “perform.”  You will find most bakeries offer interesting cake flavors to keep up with this trend.

Do you have any particular favorites when it comes to flavors?
Butter fudge cake with salted caramel filling and vanilla butter cream icing. I just gained five pounds thinking about it!

How long have you been in the business?  What’s your favorite thing about working in the wedding industry?
This is my 13th year as a professional cake designer in the Dallas wedding industry.  I will never get bored in this industry.  The Dallas bride is an ever-changing woman who strives to stay on top of high style and trends.  Creatively speaking, there is nothing better for a cake artist than this city with these brides, venues, and wedding professionals.  It is my creative home, and I will continue to thrive and be inspired.

What are some common mistakes brides make when it comes to cake selection?
Choosing a different cake flavor for each tier.  Don’t do it.  There is not enough cake for the guests to try every flavor. A cake is not served buffet-style, so you get the flavor as it’s cut relative to when the guest approaches the cake.  Simplify and choose one cake flavor for the wedding cake and another for the groom’s cake.  You won’t achieve what you’re looking for with more offerings.  And you will run out of cake fast.

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