Renowned Dallas designers Michelle Nussbaumer and Jan Showers know a thing or two about creating a beautiful space. They can say the same about a successful marriage.
While Michelle has been married to her husband Bernard for 35 years, Jan has been married to her husband Jim for over 50. In our Spring/Summer 2020 issue, we asked them for the secrets to their marriage success. Here’s what they shared:
Michelle and Bernard Nussbaumer
• Don’t go to sleep mad at each other. Make up before you say goodnight.
• Always accept the other person and don’t ever try to change them. I think that’s the biggest key to my marriage.
• Laugh every day!
Jan and Jim Showers
• Have mutual respect for one another—without that ingredient, no marriage can succeed.
• This sounds trite, but it’s true: Put your spouse first, whatever the circumstances, and expect the same treatment from him or her.
• Always remember the qualities that attracted you to them in the first place.